Tweet of the Week
Starting a new post category – my favorite tweet of the week. Kicking it off with one from Tim Martin.
Starting a new post category – my favorite tweet of the week. Kicking it off with one from Tim Martin.
This is hilarious. The editing job by the Colbert crew was spectacular. The Colbert Report Mon – Thurs 11:30pm / 10:30c Michael Steele’s Rap Battle Response Colbert Report Full Episodes Political Humor Mark Sanford (Via VR)
This CPR course won the Gold Medal in the Articulate Guru Awards. I’m not sure why. It goes against everything Ruth Clark (and others) teaches about cognitive load. Either they didn’t get very many entries, or the judges only cared about how many Articulate features…
Continue reading How Not to Use Articulate
Finally. Other Twitter desktop tools have had it, but I don’t like those Twitter tools for, well, Twittering. I prefer TweetDeck, and now I get the bonus functionality to post to Facebook if I want – awesomeness! TweetDeck Joins The Facebook Connect Army (via TechCrunch)