I just read a very good article from the Times. There are many valuable points made about making the effort, however small – like helping a nonprofit get set up with Twitter and Facebook – to help make this world a better place. I’ve tried to work with my kids on this, and have been fairly successful.
I recently took my son (9) to the Village Learning and Achievement Center, the local nonprofit (where I volunteer) he chose back in January in lieu of presents (yes, we’re slightly tardy in our delivery).
He had an amazing experience with the director giving him a tour and meeting some of their clients. He did really well, and I was proud of him. He came out of there, and said, “that place was really cool.”
Anyhow, just wanted to share, and encourage you to talk to your kids, your friends, even your parents and coworkers, about doing something good and meaningful in this world.
Every dollar helps, every minute of time volunteering helps, in some way, to make this place better for all of us, and especially our kids.
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