Use Comics to Tell a Story in your Learning
News Flash October 2009, The Firefly Group. Simple, but effective idea. Think outside the box. It doesn’t always have to be a page turner, video or job aid. Make a comic! (via Thiagi)
News Flash October 2009, The Firefly Group. Simple, but effective idea. Think outside the box. It doesn’t always have to be a page turner, video or job aid. Make a comic! (via Thiagi)
I am wondering today what iTunes (and “shuffle”) has done to the concept of the album, as a whole. Typically I import music, and put iTunes on random. I have several Smart Playlists that give me a random selection of unrated songs by genre. This…
Continue reading What Has iTunes Done to the Album?
If you notice anything weird here over the next day or 50, it’s because I do live theme testing and messing around and I’m modifying my theme. Enjoy the craziness, and happy Friday! Blogged with the Flock Browser
This little guy was not afraid at all. I opened the door, and he didn’t even budge from eating Sammie’s food.