OS X Lion Reviewed


Until you eliminate those phrases, until you eliminate the confusion, you don\’t have a system built for real people. Lion is a step in the right direction towards removing this confusion. – Ben Brooks Great review. Shawn Blanc has a good one, too.

Apple Doesn’t Do Less Than Great


Here is my short review having never laid eyes on this thing… It\’s great. How do I know? Apple doesn\’t do less than great. If you have a Mac that can run it, get it. – Minimal Mac Exactly. Get it. $29? Ridiculous value!

Apple – Mac OS X Lion


Along with the new MacBook Pros, Apple had some news about Mac OS X Lion, today. The biggest news for me, other than that they inexplicably don’t come standard with SSD, was that Lion Server is part of the regular package. This is awesome. What intrigued…
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