This Week in Browsing


Change Your Twitter Password – go, do it now. Faking It – Very interesting read – and a very real situation. SCORM Cloud gets easier to play with (via) Interaction Colour Associations – Good stuff in the comments also. Why You Can Never Work ‘Full…
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DevLearn Report: Social Media (#DL09-P5)


Pre-Conference Workshop P5: Making Social Media Work with e-Learning – Mark Oehlert, Defense Acquisition University Quotes to Remember: “Start small, think big, move fast.” “Let’s move from subject-matter experts to subject-matter networks.” “Teach capabilities, not content.” The New Knowledge Management Companies with strong Knowledge Management…
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Daring Fireball: Buzz Andersen on the Purportedly Upcoming ‘Twitter Peek’ Dedicated Twitter Device


What I can’t understand is why these “Peek” devices are getting funding at all. Why in the world would anyone want yet another device to carry around? A separate “messaging” device just makes no sense at all, now that almost every phone being made incorporates…
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