Are You a Remoter?


So a while back I caught wind of a contest Plantronics was having around coming up with a new term for telecommuters. That term was outdated. I submitted “remoter” and, crazy enough, it was a finalist out of over 500 entries. This is cool. Personally,…
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Don’t forget. Seriously. Vote.

Register. Vote.


I posted this video a few days ago. At the end, the celebs say “you know you have to register to vote, right?”. Well, you do know that, right? Even if you’re traveling, there are ways to vote. So do it. It’s the one thing…
Continue reading Register. Vote.

Don’t Vote.


Sarah Silverman and Jonah Hill make this one of the funniest things I’ve seen in a while. But it is also a good message. I hate politics. I’m not a big fan of government in its current state. But I’m still voting. Are you? See…
Continue reading Don’t Vote.