Punched In the Face
This is too cool not to share: Punched in the face from karatechimp on Vimeo.
This is too cool not to share: Punched in the face from karatechimp on Vimeo.
Photo courtesy of TechCrunch I don’t always agree with Arrington, but this is pretty good. This time, Wall Street and our government screwed everything up all on their own while we minded our own business and acquired our own instead of going public at crazy…
Continue reading Goodbye Web 2.0 – TechCrunch on the Demise of Web 2.0
I posted this video a few days ago. At the end, the celebs say “you know you have to register to vote, right?”. Well, you do know that, right? Even if you’re traveling, there are ways to vote. So do it. It’s the one thing…
Continue reading Register. Vote.