We are a community


…we are a community. Let\’s continue to fight for each other, encourage each other, and work together to make amazing things. We are the 3rd-party family of Apple nerds. Let\’s make a dent. – Shawn Blanc: “3rd-Party Family”

TSA Jackassery


She had an identification card for the implants that is used to prove that the implants are an actual medical device, but the TSA agent would not let Lori show her the card. The TSA agent was extremely rude, humiliating her in front of other…
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The Way It Was Meant To Be


“It means we can stop being the construction worker and we can be the designer — the way it was meant to be. Stop worrying about the delivery, focus more on structure.” – Reuben Tozman: “What’s coming down the pipe”