World Backup Day 2013


World Backup Day is Sunday, March 31, 2013 Local backups are great, but where do you store your local backup drive? Probably next to your computer. Probably on the same power strip. What happens if there’s a fire, or a major storm and it fries…
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More on Backups


A few weeks ago I posted about backing up your data. I still owe you my profiles and suggested backup plans. I also had planned a detailed review of offsite backup options, but Shawn Blanc beat me to it, and his is much more comprehensive…
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This Week in Browsing


Favicon resources Against Everything Buckets – I agree to some extent, though I find Evernote extremely useful as a free app, simply because it’s on all my computers, my iPhone, and I can access it anywhere from the web. What do you use? The American…
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